• Weekly House meeting

    Addiction isn’t just using drugs and alcohol it is a way of life that consists of belief systems and behaviours. Recovery is not just putting down the substance, its changing all these old behaviours and discovering tools to a new way of living. In the weekly house meeting the women will create goals and schedules to put these tools into practice.

  • Group Therapy

    Once a week the women will attend a group therapy session led by an addictions therapist. This group focuses on the behaviours of addiction and how they are presenting in each of the clients lives today.

  • Morning Meditations

    DiscovHer Recovery recognizes the importance of slowing down and taking time for self, especially in early recovery. Morning meditation takes place 2 times a week and consists of a few different types of activities. Typically we will do a reading paired with reflection questions that the client completes for the following week followed by a guided meditation. No matter what the activity, clients are asked to do a check in and share how their week has been thus far.

  • Yoga

    Residents will have the opportunity to parake in a weekly in house yoga class guided by our female yoga practitioner.

  • Disordered Eating Services

    DiscovHer recognizes women in recovery often struggle with disordered eating. We have accountability and support in place for these women. Women who struggle with disordered eating will attend a weekly group centered around discorded eating and how it is presenting in their lives today. Accountability is in place place to ensure clients are successful in abstaining from their eating disorder behaviours. DiscovHer works with a registered dietician, who specializes in disordered eating to give our clients the tools they need to succeed. Women have the opportunity to work with our dietician on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis.